
How Can OKRs Help You Succeed in Agile Transformation?

Many articles and guides are written on the most effective approach to Agile implementation. Steps, stages, processes, and, frequently, the “solution” is to plan more, track more, and deliver on time. Even if it is tempting to put a straightjacket on an organization and make sure that what is delivered is what was promised, the reality is that we may not want what we initially...

Product Development

8 Dangerous Mistakes to Avoid While Building MVP for SaaS

It would be impossible to count if we went on to list the benefits that came because of the advent of cloud computing and software as a service (SaaS) tools. A SaaS platform is a cloud-based application that offers services over the internet. Trello, Notions, PayPal, and Shopify are all examples of SaaS. Now the question arises, what is MVP development for SaaS? A SaaS Minimal...

Startup and Entrepreneurship

14 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid to Be Successful

According to a CBInsights report in 2021, the key cause of startups’ demise is that they run out of money and are unable to secure new capital. 38% of the 111 startups in their survey failed due to financial unsustainability; for example, Daqri spent $250 million and was unable...

Product Development

What is DevOps – An In-Depth Guide to the working procedure of devops methodology

With a 21% adoption rate, DevOps is the top software development methodology worldwide. But why this hype? What is DevOps? And how does it change the conventional software development process? We’ll discuss everything you should know about DevOps in this article. So,...


13 Best Agile Project Management Tools To Know

Why Agile Methodology? Agile is an iterative approach for project management that breaks down project work and schedules into shorter, repeating cycles that enable flexibility. The most well-known form of Agile is frequently referred to as Scrum. Unlike the traditional project management Agile requires that users grasp the structure and approach. Thus, considering a agile...