Product Development

Continuous Delivery of Value: Building an Efficient Pipeline

All business organisations have one key objective – to get value from the products or services that they offer. In today’s fast-moving business environment it has become necessary to adopt practices of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to meet these ends. ...

Case Studies

Founder NowPlay Zakariya Yahiya’s Client Experience

Innovify joined Zakariya, Founder of NowPLAY  as technology partner to bring about an easy solution to organise friendly games effortlessly. NowPlay is a mobile app that helps you find, book and pay for a slot at a sporting venue with just a few clicks. ...


Tech Startup Dilemma: Avoiding the All-in-One Platform Trap

Anyone who has talked to me in the last four months has heard me, at some point in the conversation, rant about the All In One platform trap. The trap is simple: there are lots of platforms out there with related services and/or products and our startup is going to centralise all of these into a single wildly successful platform. ...