Startup and Entrepreneurship

13 Common Startup Mistakes to Avoid

Starting a business is an exciting journey, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. You need to consider and execute many things to get your business off the ground. Unfortunately, this can also lead to mistakes that should be avoided with more planning or research. ...

Startup and Entrepreneurship

Innovify Addresses Startup Idea Implementation Problems

Innovify highlighted the importance of Ideation, the Eureka moment when you realize that your idea has the power to change the world and much more; which triggered interesting discussion points. Maulik Sailor addressing the attendees ...

Startup and Entrepreneurship


It’s surprisingly common that startups don’t carry out enough research to back up the hypothesis around their idea. At times, they completely misunderstand the value proposition on which they build their product. In simple terms, they try to solve a problem which doesn’t exist or can easily be solved with alternative solutions. ...

Startup and Entrepreneurship


6. GIVING UP TOO SOON ARGUABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT BUT CERTAINLY THE FINAL NAIL IN THE FAILURE COFFIN. Failing shouldn’t lead to giving up – instead, to learning a lesson and using that knowledge to move forward. We go into this in more detail in the ...


Tech Startup Dilemma: Avoiding the All-in-One Platform Trap

Anyone who has talked to me in the last four months has heard me, at some point in the conversation, rant about the All In One platform trap. The trap is simple: there are lots of platforms out there with related services and/or products and our startup is going to centralise all of these into a single wildly successful platform. ...

Product Development

Why Product Development is Stuck in the 20th Century?

We are living in one of the most exciting times in human history for new product development. The pace at which new technologies are being adopted is phenomenal. However, one of the biggest problems with innovation is the pace at which the innovation itself happens. This is because too many innovators, including entrepreneurs, startups and corporations are still stuck in the past with their...