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Scrum software development process

Agile Methodology: A New Era in Mobile App Development

If you believe the guys from Tech Crunch and agree with them that the app boom is not over, then read on. Depending on your location, the Agile Development may still be on hype or already faded but it definitely deserves its place on the top of tech projects processes. It’s not a...

How to Scale Up Product from MVP to MMP

Looks like you have launched your MVP and now looking forward to going full-fledged. You’re probably wondering whether it’s the right time to scale up your MVP and, most importantly, how to move forward and scale it up. Don’t worry; you’re not the only one. Every organization with an MVP asks the same question: When to know my MVP...


As the IT industry is constantly changing, the demand for skills and experience is also continually evolving. Over the past year, the demand for employees with knowledge of micro-services has increased by an incredible 133%. As...

Wind Energy Solutions

Innovify Secures Innovate UK R&D Grant for Wind Energy Solutions

Innovify, along with a consortium of R&D experts, has recently been awarded an R&D grant by Innovate UK, an R&D focused branch of the UK government. Innovify will primarily be developing remote sensing capabilities using IoT and Big Data technologies to record the status and output of wind turbines across the country. Key parts of this process will be to develop and monitor...


Product Name: Kwanji Fx The brain behind a revolutionary tech-thought Leslie Onyesoh – Founder, Kwanji Kwanji is an integrated payment platform for SMEs...



Another month, another #ProductTalk from us at Innovify on a sunny evening in Central London. This month, we ventured into the world of AI and much much more. James Ewing from Thoughtonomy took to the stage and his talk revolved around automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. JAMES EWING ...

How Long Does It Takes to Build An MVP

How Long Does It Take to Develop An MVP? Factors to Consider

How Long Will It Take to Develop your Product’s MVP If you’re interested in MVP (Minimum Viable Product), you probably have a digital product in your brain and are planning your go-to-market strategy with a limited budget or time. If you’re skeptical about going full-fledged with your idea, you’re not...

Build a high performing agile team

Building High Performing Agile Teams: 12 Steps to Follow

How Do You Inspire Your Agile Team? Agile methodology has helped around 97% of companies to become more productive and successful, as reported in the 5th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report, 2022. Agile has helped meet customer needs while ensuring flexibility...

Common startup mistakes

14 Mistakes To Avoid While Building MVP For Startups

It’s smart to learn from your mistakes, but it’s even smarter if you learn from other’s mistakes. The same applies to building an MVP for your next startup. You don’t have to make a failed attempt while launching an MVP when you can learn from the common mistakes and eventually launch a successful...

Best web3 frameworks for blockchain, web3 forecast and more

Imagine a world in which people can freely trade goods, services, information, and without central oversight. Imagine a world where social media is distributed, and content is not restricted. It is a place that does not have any political borders or other limitations. This is Web 3.0. The future of tech development lies in web 3.0 frameworks. Web 3.0 is a major Internet overhaul...